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Leverage Portfolio Optimization For More Effective Corporate Planning And Better Strategic Decisions

Learn how to optimize your business plans in minutes instead of weeks, deriving key strategic insights to help maximize performance from your corporate portfolio.

Watch Product Manager Ramona Hill present Portfolio, outlining what makes it such a valuable and unique tool for strategic planners. Corporate portfolios are becoming larger and more complex in today’s energy industry. Portfolio sources data directly from the Planning Space suite, Enersight, or Excel, providing seamless access to evergreen plan data so the team can spend more time finding value in the portfolio. The optimization engine cuts scenario iteration time by guiding to the best plan that meets the needs of the business. Quick scenario generation allows for further testing, sensitizing, and analysis. Monte Carlo computation helps to quantify uncertainty and choose a strategy that aligns with your risk tolerance. This short 6-minute video demonstrates how to unleash the potential of your own portfolio with this innovative and accessible tool.